Listener loyalty
There are 4M+ podcasts available globally.
Over 464M people globally listen to podcasts.
In the US, over 100M people (38%) listen.
The average listener spends 7 hours per week.
Listeners average 43 minutes per session, indicating high commitment and interest.

High engagement
Action: Over 75% of podcast listeners act on sponsored messages.
High Engagement: Audio content keeps 80% of listeners engaged throughout the ad.
Ad Recall: Audio ads have a 4.0x higher brand recall compared to display ads.

Measurable results
ZipRecruiter, aimed to increase its market share.
Increased Website Traffic: 15% increase.
Boost in Employer Sign-ups: 20% rise.
Revenue Growth: Built a strong market position.
4.4x better ROAS than other digital channels.
Brand Recognition: Brand awareness increased by 23% after the campaigns.